Angola Backs End of US Embargo On Cuba

The Angolan government appealed Tuesday to the United States to end the economic, trade and financial embargo on Cuba, indicating that the impact on the Cuban people shows clear signs of inhumanity.

This was reiterated by the permanent representative of Angola at the UN, Ambassador Ismael Gaspar Martins.

The Angolan official was speaking at the UN General Assembly session which has adopted a new resolution on the need to end the U.S. embargo against Cuba.

The resolution, passed with 188 votes in favor ( Angola voted for ), two against ( U.S. and Israel) and three abstentions ( Palau, Marshall Islands and Micronesia), calls for unconditional end of sanctions imposed on Cuban State for over 50 years.

“Angola reaffirms its commitment to international law and, in this perspective, supports the decisions that contribute to the elimination of all coercive economic measures used as a means of political persuasion against any sovereign State ,” said the Angolan ambassador to the UN.

On the other hand, he said that the Angolan government regretted the maintenance of the embargo which goes beyond the trade and financial relations between the U.S. and Cuba.

According to him, the implications of the embargo harm severely the people, as it prevents the island from implementing the economic programs aimed at socio-economic stability of the country as well as its global integration.

” It is unacceptable that in the XXI century, an unilateral decision by a country deprive other country and all its people of enjoying their fundamental freedoms and freely exercise of their rights, whether political , economic or commercial “, said Ismael Martins.

On the other hand, the ambassador urged the international community to continue its efforts toward a deeper commitment to promote a constructive dialogue between the two countries with a view to finding a solution to the problem and leading to normalization of relations.

Source: Angola Press via

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