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There Are Ways to Reverse Obesity

Obesity is not merely a cosmetic problem, but a severe threat to health and longevity. That old saying, “The longer the belt, the shorter the life,” is entirely accurate.

Associated with obesity are diabetes and heart disease among others. This has been confirmed by the report by Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a noted scientist at MIT, “Could Sulfur Deficiency be a Contributing Factor in Obesity, Heart Disease, Alzheimer’s, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?”

The findings of the report indicate the origins of obesity often lie in early childhood. Statistically, children who are overweight by age 2 turn into fat adults more frequently than their lean playmates as early feeding patterns set the stage for adult obesity.

The most common mistake is fattening a child with excess starch and cows’ milk. Most infants receive starchy foods as their first solid meals, around 4 months of age. Aside from being far too early for proper digestion, it sets the stage for allergies later in life.

More importantly,  starchy grains cause rapid weight gain because they are empty calories, stripped of t fiber and bran.

Rather than introducing grains as first foods, they should be given to infants relatively late in the weaning process and less frequently to avoid rapid weight gain.

Then there is cows’ milk that contributes to rapid weight gain. Keep in mind that cows’ milk is designed for the rapid growth of cows, not human children. Most of cows’ milk is homogenized, making the fat particles easier to assimilate, another aspect that favors obesity.

Raw unhomogenized goat milk is a far better food for human infants over 6 months of age and does not cause rapid weight gain since the composition is closer to that of mother’s breast milk.

Breastfed infants have a far less chance of becoming obese than formula-fed babies. Granted that all mother’s milk is not identical and the mother’s own biochemistry goes a long way in affecting the type of food she produces for her infant.

However, there’s the obvious fact that if the breastfeeding mother on an improper diet of excess refined carbohydrates, sugar, and excess animal fats, she is not only laying the groundwork for infant obesity, but for a generally unhealthy child.

In most cases, a child can pass through childhood without growing fat. Two possibilities can be the cause.

One, if the child is lucky to have parents with some common sense and has been “deprived” of all kinds of sweets, pastries, white bread, sodas, sweetened and refined cereals, or other junk foods and given only wholesome unrefined foods, he or she has a good shot at avoiding obesity and leading a long, healthy life.

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