Detroit Mailman Saves Family’s Burning Home, Then Continues on Delivery Route

He won’t admit it, but one Detroit neighborhood mailman is a hero now. “I wouldn’t say a hero,” Darrian Crutcher says, hoping to set the record straight. But others see it differently.

Tuesday morning Detroit firefighters responded to a house fire on Stansbury Street. When they arrived they found Crutcher upstairs, putting the fire out with the home’s garden hose.

The homeowner, Carolyn Patterson, lit incense and that is believed to have started the fire.

“It was a blessing for me to be at that spot at that particular time,” Crutcher says. His quick thinking saved Patterson’s home and possibly her life.

“It really was burning,” he said.

Crutcher said he got the hose from the side of the house, took it inside and hooked it up there, and began to fight the fire.

“He was spraying [the fire] down and everything and knocked [the fire] down quite a bit,” Patterson says.  “I think this room probably would’ve burned up. I really do.”

Firefighters applaud Crutcher’s job. “He did great. I asked him after it was over, I said, ‘Hey man, you should come join us. We’re hiring right now,'” said David Weems of the Detroit Fire Department.

Crutcher stayed on the job until firefighters arrived. When they did, he just went back to business, not even pausing to take a break or get a drink of water.

“I said, ‘Ok, they there. The real firemen is here now so I can go ahead and do my job,'” Crutcher said.

“It’s great just to see citizens just stopping to do the good – the good of man,” Weems said.

Crutcher was asked if, at any point, he thought, “Why am I doing this? This isn’t my job.”

Crutcher responded: “No I didn’t think that. I just seen a lady in the house and a young kid outside. I just go in and do it. I know if I … if somebody seen me like that I wish they would do me like that, too.”

Source: Myfoxdetroit

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