Melissa Harris-Perry Writes Letter to Girl Kicked Out of School Over her Dreadlocks

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry read a heartfelt letter this weekend that she wrote to Tiana Parker, a 7-year-old student at Deborah Brown Community School in Oklahoma, where she was told that her dreadlock hairstyle was “unacceptable.” The school’s policy prohibits such hairstyles along with Afros, mohawks, and “other faddish styles.”

Not surprisingly, the school has received much backlash after the story broke through a local news report which captured Parker on camera in tears over the incident.

Read Harris-Perry’s full letter, titled, “To a black girl who’s hair was deemed ‘unacceptable’” below:

Dear Tiana,

It’s me, Melissa.

Tiana, when I saw and heard you cry about not being able to wear your hair the way you wanted it broke my heart. First of all Tiana, no matter what your school or anyone else has said to you–we are proud of your hair–and you should be, too. In spite of your school’s policy that states:

“Hairstyles such as dreadlocks, afros and other faddish styles are unacceptable.”

For the record, Tiana, your hair is not distracting, unacceptable, a fad or wrong. Tiana, your hair is wonderful. You come from a people with a beautiful array of styles and textures that range from short to big afros that come in colors from gray to black, curly naturals that spiral every which way just because they can.

And you, dear Tiana, are part of a people that have the choice of sporting dreadlocks which have a rich history in black culture. Locks have been rocked by the likes of reggae’s most indelible artist Bob Marley and later generations of musicians like rocker Lenny Kravitz wore dreadlocks in his early days. Songstress Lauryn Hill’s locks were matched by the beauty of her deep brown skin.

That same beautiful, brown skin that you too possess, Tiana. Because remember on top of all this: your black is beautiful.

And let’s not forget the queen bee herself: Oscar-winning actress Miss Whoopi Goldberg hasn’t let anyone tell her how to dress or look, and has proudly worn her locks for decades. But if you need inspiration closer to your age, you can look to young artist Willow Smith. Whether she is whipping her hair back and forth, or she is rockin’ the shortest buzz cut because no matter what anyone says, her beauty and choices are limitless.

The same way your beauty and choices are limitless, dear Tiana. So your old school might want to revamp its policy, because instead of enforcing a uniform policy for students[,] it reinforces stereotypes and undermines a student’s sense of self.

And kudos to your Mama and your Daddy–the barber who takes great pride in your hair–for pulling you out of a school that did not celebrate their child.

So here is the MHP message to you, Tiana, and to all the little brown girls who rock their hair in all its many styles: You are perfect, just the way you are. Don’t be confused, when you’re at school, what is in your head is way more important than what is on your head!



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