China, Jamaica Pledge to Enhance Cooperation

China and Jamaica on Wednesday pledged to enhance their cooperation in all areas including trade, agriculture, infrastructure construction and environmental protection.

The pledge was made during a meeting between Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and his Jamaican counterpart Portia Simpson-Miller, who was invited by Li to visit China from Aug. 20 to 25.

Li said Jamaica is a friendly and important partner of China in the Caribbean area and that the two countries have huge potential for cooperation.

He called for a strengthening of cooperation in areas such as trade, agriculture, new energy, education, health care and sports, and promised to encourage and support Chinese companies to participate in program beneficial to Jamaica’s economy and people’s livelihood.

He also hoped the Jamaican Government would implement more favorable policies and take effective measures to protect the safety and legal interests of Chinese citizens and companies.

Simpson-Miller, meanwhile, applauded the remarkable progress the two countries have witnessed in bilateral relations, and expressed appreciation over China’s long-term assistance and support to the Caribbean.

She said Jamaica will strengthen communication and coordination with China and expand cooperation.

As for the relations between China and Caribbean countries, Li said China will continue to view the relations from the strategic standpoint, and endeavor to push forward comprehensive cooperation.

Saying Jamaica is an important country in the Caribbean area, Li hoped Jamaica would continue to play a positive role in China-Caribbean relations.

The premier said China will also strengthen dialogue, exchanges and cooperation with small island states, including Jamaica, on climate change and environmental protection…

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