Florida State CB Nick Waisome Helps Cops Nab Burglars

Florida State CB Nick Waisome has more than just the skills needed to easily deny wide receivers the football, apparently he also has the ability to track and apprehend burglars.

On the night of July 5th, Waisome walked into his apartment to find two men helping themselves to his things. While one of them got away, he managed to run down the other, 34-year-old Tavares Rumph, and call police to arrest the thief.

Three weeks later, Waisome spotted the other crook at a local gas station wearing camouflage shorts stolen from his apartment. He called police, leading to the arrest of 23-year-old Mario Crawford and the seizure of more than $6,000 worth of stolen property.

“I figured they didn’t have a gun because if they did they would’ve shot me,” Waisome told USA Today when recalling the robbery.

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