Staying Close in a Long-Distance Relationship

Well, summer is here (or very close) and for many, that means moving back home or somewhere other than your college town for the next several months. And, if you’re in a relationship, that can mean being apart from your sweetheart for most of that time.

Total. Bummer.

As someone who’s successfully dealt with the long distance, I know it’s not something anyone ever wants to do, but I’ve come to believe that if you need to do the long distance thing, and if you are both dedicated to it, then your relationship will flourish. Not in spite of the distance, but rather because of the distance! Yes, distance can sometimes be good for relationships!

So, with that in mind, I want to share some tried and true tips for maintaining a successful long-distance relationship during the summer. Read on to learn more:

It’s all about trust.

The easiest way to ruin a long-distance relationship is if your don’t trust your partner. Not only will you constantly doubt him or her, but you won’t enjoy your summer, either! If you’re always wondering what they’re up to and checking in on them, you won’t be fully present wherever you are.

Summer is about trying new things, learning as much as you can, and having the most amount of fun while you do it. But, if you don’t trust your significant other, your summer will turn into a bundle of worries and you’ll miss out on your own experiences.

By trusting your partner to make good decisions and honor you, you’ll free yourself from stress and you’ll free your partner from your control. Only then can a relationship grow!

Keep communication in balance.

Communication is important in any relationship, but becomes crucial when you take your relationship long-distance. The trick here is to be flexible with your schedule. It’s summer, after all, and your schedule may look very different from day to day – and so will you partner’s. It’s important to make sure your regularly communicate with each other, but keep in mind that it may not always be at a regular time.

It’s also important to make sure you two aren’t talking too much or too little! If you’re talking too much, then you each will miss out on the fun summer you could be having; on the other hand, if you’re talking too little, your relationship won’t be as strong as it could be.

It’s all about balance, so work to find it. Also, don’t be discouraged if the two of you have different definitions of what “balanced” looks like. That’s just something you’ll need to communicate about – you can work it out, just like you do with everything else!

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