Morgan Freeman Sleeps During Live Interview

Morgan Freeman appeared to be exhausted while he was out doing promotion for his new film Now You See Me with Seattle’s Q13 News. Seconds into the video it was obvious that the aging actor was fading fast.

During the interview, the 75-year-old actor was clearly fighting sleep while his co-star Michael Caine was speaking, but Freeman was losing badly and honorably surrendered to his exhaustion overtly bowing his head and going to sleep.

These promotional tours could be a bit daunting for the aged actor who also has two films currently shooting and three films in post-production. I think Freeman deserves a nap wherever he chooses.

Now You See Me is set to release May 31, 2013 and follows a group of illusionists who use talents to execute  bank heists under the spectacles of their performances. The film also stars Jesse Eisenberg, Isia Fisher, Mark Ruffalo and Woody Harrelson.

Watch Freeman’s looses his battle with sleep in the video below.

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