'24' TV Show May Be Reloaded; Says Kiefer Sutherland


Kiefer Sutherland may have lost his Touch, but that has only inspired him to reload his 24.

The award-winning actor is considering returning to the critically acclaimed political thriller after Fox’s cancellation of Touch, according to several reports.

Sutherland plays embattled federal agent Jack Bauer for eight seasons of the action drama. In the final episode he was seen disappearing out of sight and a movie was supposedly in the works to pick up where the 24 TV show left off.

Plans to complete the 24 film apparently stalled back in 2012.  However, Bauer may resurface in a limited television series if Kiefer has his way.

A couple of years after 24 ended in 2010, Sutherland took the lead in another Fox show,  Touch,  playing a father attempting to communicate with his young mute son who had supernatural powers of perception.

The mystical police drama never really caught on, but made it to the second season before being canceled by Fox.

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