Bradley Cooper Abandons 'Jane Got A Gun'

The upcoming Natalie Portman western Jane Got A Gun just can’t seem to get it together.

Originally, Portman was to star opposite Michael Fassbender — but he abruptly exited the project in early March reportedly because of scheduling conflicts with X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Jude Law, stoked to work with director Lynne Ramsay, was recruited to replace Fassbender – but when Ramsay quit the production on the first day of filming, Law quickly abandoned his role.

After a scramble for replacements resulted in Warrior filmmaker Gavin O’Connor in the director chair and Bradley Cooper in Law’s place.

Now it appears production has fallen back into disarray now that Cooper has become the latest big name actor to be removed from the project.

The Hollywood Reporter says Cooper has been forced to abandon his role in Jane Got A Gun, but it had nothing to do with being at odds with production. The site says the Boston bombing delayed the production schedule of David O. Russell’s American Hustle, which Cooper has been filming the last few weeks. Because of the Oscar nominated star’s commitment to that film, he’s unavailable for the western.

After Bradley Cooper announced his exit, producers are back to scanning their shortlist of actors that can play the part. The list includes Jake Gyllenhaal, Tobey Maguire, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Tom Hiddleston.

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