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'Community' Season 4 Episode 11: “Basic Human Anatomy”

On tonight’s NBC tv show Community, season 4, episode 11 “Basic Human Anatomy,” when Annie and Shirley learn that Leonard is actually holding the spot as the class valedictorian, they join forces to bring him down. Meanwhile, Troy and Abed reminisce about one of their favorite body switching films and when they inadvertently re-enact a critical scene, things start becoming a little funky at Greendale.

Community is a smart comedy series about higher education – and lower expectations. The student body at Greendale Community College is made up of high-school losers, newly divorced housewives, and old people who want to keep their minds active. Within these not-so-hallowed halls, “Community” focuses on a band of misfits, at the center of which is a fast-talkin’ lawyer whose degree has been revoked (Joel McHale), who form a study group and end up learning a lot more about themselves than they do about their course work.

Community season 4, episode 11, “Basic Human Anatomy,” airs Thursday April 25, (8-8:30 p.m. ET) on the NBC network. Spoiler pictures for this week’s episode below:

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