Warren Buffet Offers Million-Dollar Secrets to 10-Year-Olds

Many a grown-up would go to great lengths to get Warren Buffett’s secrets for becoming a millionaire. But Warren Buffett’s animated series Secret Millionaires Club has a strict “no-grown-ups” policy.

The famous investor and philanthropist, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, voices an animated version of himself in the cartoon from Gaiam Vivendi Entertainment that airs on Disney’s The Hub channel–Secret Millionaires Club Volume One is out on DVD now ($14.93).

In the series, Buffett offers advice to a group of 10-year-olds who go on various business adventures and hobnob with the likes of Nick Cannon and Jay-Z (both lend their voices to the show, too).

In an e-mail interview, Buffett told Fast Company why he feels financial advice is important to tweens and how the fundamentals of business apply to tykes and tycoons alike.

Q: Why do this now?

A: There is no better time to teach kids about financial matters. If we can help kids understand money matters and the consequences of their decisions, we can help them develop healthy habits early on that will serve them a lifetime.

Q: What’s wrong with the way young people learn about money now?

A: I was lucky that my parents helped me develop the right financial habits from an early age. And I had wonderful teachers who taught me the fundamentals from an early age; not calculus, but the basics. If you get the fundamentals right, the rest will follow. But not all kids get this. We are trying to teach the basics in Secret Millionaires Club, and hopefully help kids develop healthy habits from a young age.

Q: If it were possible, what advice would Warren Buffett give to his 10-year-old self?

A: The same advice we are giving through Secret Millionaires Club. Things like: “The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself; The more you learn, the more you’ll earn;  Find something you like to do, and you’ll never work a day in your life; Great partnerships will make any job easier.

Read More: fastcompany.com

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