Apple declined to comment on the Koh’s ruling, which still did leave Samsung with a bill of just under $599 million. The judge said the tab will probably increase after the appeals of both companies are resolved.
Apple is seeking more damages and Samsung a complete dismissal of the case in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, the Washington, D.C.-based court that handles all patent appeals. A new trial to recalculate the damages could also increase the award.
Still, the ruling was the second significant setback in Koh’s courtroom since the headline-grabbing verdict was announced.
In December, Koh refused to order a sales ban on the products the jury found infringed Apple’s patents. She said Apple failed to prove the purloined technology is what drove consumers to buy a Samsung product instead of an Apple iPhone or iPad.
Samsung says that it is continues to sell only three of the two dozen products found to have infringed Apple’s patents.
After a three-week trial closely followed in Silicon Valley, the jury decided that Samsung ripped off the trailblazing technology and sleek designs used by Apple to create its revolutionary iPhone and iPad. Jurors ordered Samsung to pay Apple $1.05 billion…
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