Dick Gregory Unleashes on Spike Lee About ‘Django Unchained’

Dick Gregory, the groundbreaking comedian, author, civil rights activist and Bahamian Diet inventor, added a new title to his resume — film critic. Well, actually more specifically “filmmaker critic,” as he calls out Spike Lee for his harsh criticism of Quentin Tarantino’s spaghetti Western-esque Django Unchained.

There seems to be a clear line of demarcation being drawn in the sand separating black people based on Tarantino’s movie — it’s either loved or despised. Spike placed his flag staunchly on the detractor side, without even seeing the movie, and has been famously quoted as saying that Django Unchained was “disrespectful” to his ancestors.

Dick Gregory does not agree, and in a 10-minute interview on the YouTube channel W.E.A.L.L.B.E.T.V., he rips Spike Lee a new orifice for defecation, calling him a “thug” and “punk.”

In fact, Gregory is so effusive in his praise of the movie and in defense of its use of the so-called n-word that he says, possibly in exaggeration, that he’s viewed the film 12 times.

See the interview for yourself and, if you have seen the movie (unlike Spike), please share your opinion about which side you stand on and why.


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