Jessica Simpson To Star In A Sitcom…About Her Life

For some reason the singer and new mom, Jessica Simpson, wants to expand her acting career and thinks the world would be interested in a show based on her own life. Didn’t we already see this when she had her own reality show, Newlyweds? 

Jessica Simpson has recently decided  her life would be perfect for a sitcom. She stated, “I often find myself thinking that no one could ever make up the things that actually happen in my life- so between the real life elements and a great team of writers, I think we’ll have people laughing!” Based on Simpson’s airhead performance on Newlyweds, the audience will likely be laughing at her instead of with her .Executive producer Ben Silverman equates Simpson to a “modern day Lucy” which seems like quite a stretch.

Aside from the obvious that nobody is interested in watching her life again, Simpson is an incredibly busy woman. She’s juggling her fashion empire and a recurring judge spot on Fashion Star. She’s also very publicly losing weight for Weight Watchers360 AND incubating her second child in two years. Being a new mom is a full time job in itself, does she really have time for a sitcom on top of all her other commitments?

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