The Human Centipede 3 is the upcoming sequel of the 2010 horror, Human Centipede. The film will reportedly feature centipede of more than 500 people.
Production for Human Centipede had been delayed due to a legal actions between director Tom Six’s production company and Laser Six Entertainment Company, which has now been dropped.
Six said of the situation, “I know my Human Centipede 3 will be very politically incorrect, but I didn’t want to change anything in the script. I am very happy Dieter will follow my vision for a full 100% now and know he is absolutely the most brilliant actor I could wish for.”
“I never ever would have thought that all our differences and misunderstandings would in the end lead to an even deeper and warmer understanding and appreciation of each other,” Laser added. “In this regard I am actually thankful about the whole fuss because it turned out to be an advantage and a wonderful present for our film and for our friendship.”
The Human Centipede 3 is slated to start production this May. Tom Six will direct the film and Dieter Laser will return as the leading man. More details on other casting role coming soon…