Kevin Clash Faces Fourth Accuser As Warner Brothers Cancels His Film

As accusations of underage sexual relationships continue to mount against Kevin Clash, Warner Brothers has unsurprisingly cancelled its plans for a feature film starring a children’s character designed by the Elmo puppeteer. An anonymous fourth accuser has filed a lawsuit in New York’s federal court, claiming emotional, mental and psychological damage stemming from his underage affair with Clash. Lawyer Jeff Herman, who is representing two of the three other accusers, has scheduled a press conference for 1 p.m. Monday to further discuss the new allegations.

According to TMZ, the new suit says that the unidentified accuser met Clash in “late 1995 or early 1996” in Miami at the age of 16 or 17. Later Clash flew “John Doe” to New York, and had sex with him while providing the young man with money and a place to stay.

“According to our lawsuit, Kevin Clash knowingly paid to transport a minor across state lines for the purpose of satisfying his sexual interests.” Herman said in a press release.

Clash has only admitted to having a relationship with his first accuser, but denied that it ever involved underage sex. A settlement was reached with Sheldon Stephens, the first man to come forward, but the other three men are seeking heavy damages from the Sesame Street star.

Warner Brothers is no doubt looking to distance itself as much as possible as the scandal surrounding Clash continues to grow. Clash’s proposed project would have been a “Calvin and Hobbes kind of movie about a kid and his stuffed animal that takes on a life of its own because of the child’s imagination,” according to a developmental document shared with Vulture.

It is highly unlikely that Clash’s brainchild will ever see the light of day, and his career as an entertainer of children, much like his tenure on Sesame Street, is now over.

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