'Skyfall' Banks $30 Million In One Day

According to early estimates, MGM and Sony Pictures’ 23rd James Bond movie Skyfall, starring Daniel Craig, earned a staggering $30.8 million in its first full day in North American theaters. The film made $2.2 million on Thursday, its opening day in IMAX theaters.

It’s heading in the direction of an opening weekend in the realm of $82 to $87 million (including Thursday), which will be on top of the $321 million it has already acquired internationally. At this pace, Skyfall will easily cross the $400 million mark globally.

Just for reference, its predecessors Quantum of Solace grossed $586 million and Casino Royal grossed $594 million, both in its entire run in domestic and international markets combined. Skyfall is likely to pass that mark by the end of the month, if not earlier.

Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln, starring Daniel Day-Lewis, also had a great first day. In just 11 theaters, it grossed an estimated $275 thousand heading towards an opening weekend of over $900 thousand before opening nation wide on November 16.

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