President Obama Thanks Colin Powell For Endorsement

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell revealed his endorsement of President Obama just as Donald Trump’s announcement fell flat and is likely doing more harm than good for Republican candidate Mitt Romney. It’s safe to say President Obama has been winning in the last few days.

Powell revealed on “CBS This Morning,” with Charlie Rose and Nora O’Donnell, he’s committed to Obama for the long haul.

“I signed on for a long patrol with President Obama and I don’t think this is the time to make such a sudden change,” he said. “I think we ought to keep on the track we are on.” He continued, “You know, I voted for him in 2008 and I plan to stick with him in 2012, and I’ll be voting for he and Vice President Joe Biden next month.” he said.

In defense of his endorsement Powell explained,

“I also saw the president get us out of one war, start to get us out of a second war and did not get us into any new wars. I think the actions he’s taken with respect to protecting us from terrorism have been very, very solid. And so I think we ought to keep on the track that we are on.”

Meanwhile Romney is keeping his safe distance from Trump and his much-mocked announcement.

*Update* According to the HuffPost, President Obama has offered his gratitude for Powell’s endorsement.

“President Barack Obama called Powell on Thursday morning to thank him for the endorsement, according to Obama campaign traveling press secretary Jen Psaki. They did not discuss joint appearances. She said they were “very excited” about it and said they “think it sends a strong signal about why [Obama] should be sent back for another four years to be commander in chief.”

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