Bradley Cooper Rumored to Star in New Cameron Crowe Flick

A recent article from The Playlist names Bradley Cooper as the new potential lead in Cameron Crowe’s upcoming film Deep Tiki.

Writer and director Cameron Crowe has never been one to shy away from taking time between projects. There was, after all, an entire six year hiatus between the 2005 feature film Elizabethtown and last year’s adaptation We Bought a Zoo. Before that, a whole 4 years passed between Elizabethtown and Crowe’s 2001 feature Vanilla SkyDeep Tiki, which is a return to original material, was originally conceived in 2008. It has been slow going in terms of momentum, but seems to finally be making some progress in cast selection.

Emma Stone – who’s been in almost everything lately – has already been cast to play the female lead. It’ll be interesting to see how she pairs up with Bradley Cooper. The suave actor has been no slouch himself this year with a total of four films out in 2012 alone. The film originally had Ben Stiller and Reese Witherspoon as the respective male and female leads. The potential outfit of Stone and Cooper seems to be an almost complete departure.

Deep Tiki‘s plot does seem a bit rough around the edges, but still involved with the same self-discovery and life changing perspectives that are prevalent throughout Cameron Crowe’s catalog. It revolves around a military contractor who is presumed dead after an incident in the Middle East. After surviving, he chooses to reject his former life, keeping only his supercomputer named Jeremy around for company. He’s eventually assigned to a top-secret military satellite launch in Hawaii, where he sets out with an uptight military liaison – Emma Stone, probably – to get permission from local spiritual leaders who believe prophecy involving various gods is about to happen.

So, yes, the plot and writing could definitely use some work. However, it’s good to see Bradley Cooper, Emma Stone, and Cameron Crowe team up to produce some original material. With all the remakes, re-imaginings, reboots, sequels, trilogies and adaptations in Hollywood nowadays, it’s good to see a director of Crowe’s creative caliber willing to put himself out there once again.

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