Is 'Dredd 3D' Worth Your Money?

Dredd 3D hits theaters this weekend and here is what you need to know before your hard earned money is well spent or just wasted.

Pate Travis and writer Alex Garland teamed up to reintroduce Dredd as a R-rated visual masterpiece, instead of the half hearted 1995 Judge Dredd, starring Sylvester Stallone. The 3D visuals were shot by Oscar-winning Slumdog Millionaire cinematographer Anthony Dod Mantle and he littered the screen with intense visual details and dramatic slow-motion shots.

The film received some mixed reviews, since being screened by critics last week.

Roger Moore of the Detroit free press said:

“Say what you want about Sylvester Stallone’s kitschy 1995 turn as a futuristic comic-book judge-jury-executioner in ‘Judge Dredd,’ but the dude wore the helmet. Karl Urban replaces him in the new “Dredd,” and, frankly, the helmet wears Karl.”

Christy Lemire an AP movie critic suggest Hardcore fans of the comic, who hated the jokey 1995 “Judge Dredd,” starring Stallone as the title character and featuring Rob Schneider, “won’t just be relieved to see this incarnation. They’ll be downright giddy.”

William Bibbiani from Craveonlie wrote:

Dredd 3D feels no need to encapsulate the entire society of the film within its running time. The effect is like reading a standalone issue of the comic book without catching up on anything that preceded it. You’re not missing anything, you’re just expected to accept everything Dredd 3D presents as the reality of the Mega-City One.”

Here is what non critics are saying on twitter:

@electrolemon tweeted,

@LeeAHarris tweeted

@KcEazyworld tweeted,

Now that you have some insight, you can now make an informed decision on whether you hit the theaters to see Dredd 3D this weekend.

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