Lindsay Lohan Arrested In Long String Of Bad Choices

Lindsay Lohan was arrested after leaving the scene of an accident in New York City early Wednesday morning. According to the arrest report, Lohan clipped a pedestrian with her Porsche. The alleged victim, believed to be in his 30s was hospitalized but did not have any visible injuries at the scene.

The accident took place as Lohan was pulling into the Dream Hotel in NYC but after a friend stepped out to check for damages the crew drove into the hotel. Around 2am Lohan  was seen leaving the hotel which prompted someone to call the police. The Parent Trap star was arrested for leaving the scene and charged with a misdemeanor.

This latest arrest falls into a string of poor decisions made by Lindsay. Most recently, the actress who vowed to work on her reputation to secure more film roles left producers scrambling when she missed her day of filming with Charlie Sheen on the set of Scary Movie 5. Reportedly the 26-year old actress had walking pneumonia.

An insider revealed, “Lindsay missed every meeting she had for the film, including script reads and wardrobe meetings. Then she missed her flight to Atlanta on Sunday to shoot the movie. The producers had been getting signs Friday that she was a mess, and would not be fit to work.”

Sadly, Lohan’s family is a train wreck onto themselves with her mother Dinah displaying erratic behavior on Dr. Phil earlier this week and her father’s list is too long to name.

Lindsay Lohan’s arrest may be in violation to her probation, time will tell.

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