Which New Bond Poster Is Right For 'Skyfall'?

Two new posters hit the web today for the upcoming Bond film Skyfall, starring Daniel Craig.  Sony released one Skyfall poster intended to appeal to the Brits across the Atlantic, while the other Skyfall poster is geared for the Americans. The British poster features Bond clean cut in a well-tailored suit, sporting a pistol. The American poster shows a dirty Bond on his back, with no tie, taking aim with his pistol.

Over at EW.com, they raised the question: which poster got Bond right? They said that the British poster plays into the stereotype that British people are an “uptight bunch”.  On the flip side, the site implied that Americans are action junkies and don’t truly appreciate the essence of Bond.

In actuality, what made Bond a favorite for both Americans and the British was that he is the best of both worlds, brutally killing bad guys and looking good while doing it. It’s just a matter of what kind of Bond one prefers to see.

Skyfall opens in Britain on October 26th and opens two weeks later in America on November 9th.


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