Jonathan Vilma Would Like ‘Fair’ Meeting With Roger Goodell

Jonathan Vilma, once suspended and now reinstated, wants a sit down with his nemesis, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.

“I’m expecting a fair meeting, unlike the June 18 appeals hearing,” Vilma said in a text to an ESPN reporter. “We can all benefit from transparency regarding evidence and witnesses instead of using conjecture or hearsay to come to inaccurate conclusions. I look forward to getting this accomplished.”

Peter Ginsberg, Vilma’s attorney, has sent unofficial notice through an email with the league office and will formally do so before the commissioner’s deadline — the end of business Tuesday.

Previously, Vilma walked out of an appeals hearing with Goodell, refusing to participate in what Ginsberg described as a “charade.”

“If the commissioner feels sitting down with Jonathan and discussing matters will lead to a quick and fair resolution, Jonathan has been and continues to be willing to cooperate in any way that helps the truth come out,” Ginsberg told ESPN. “We only hope the commissioner keeps an open mind and doesn’t feel restricted by his previous and clearly erroneous conclusions.”

The meeting would not be expected to take place before next week and Ginsberg has not been provided any assurances the league intends to allow the players and their legal representatives the opportunity to review evidence and cross-examine witnesses.

It was that issue that prompted Vilma to walk out previously.

“We want to see the evidence and confront the witnesses,” Ginsberg said. “When the commissioner produces less than 1 percent of the evidence gathered in the investigation, it became abundantly clear we were not being offered a fair opportunity to present to him in a very strong and detailed manner what in fact took place and decided not to participate in what was clearly a charade.

“We hope that now as we regroup that we are provided a fair and appropriate avenue to a just resolution.”

Ginsberg declined to reveal whether Vilma’s current willingness to speak to Goodell is in any way conditional.

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