Pravda: U.S. Engaged in Undeclared Media War with Cuba

The United States wages an undeclared media war against Cuba non-stop. At every opportunity, an order comes from the think tank team in major Western agencies and the media begins to unfold the news spotted with the words “dissident”, “opposition”, “insurgent”, “regime”, “democratic forces”, and the “international community.”

A clear example of this information war is a recently fabricated “desertion” to the U.S. of a daughter of the “architect” of Cuban reform and the tragic death in a car accident of the main “dissident” of the country. This war is a part of the ideological war launched by the intelligence of the U.S. and Europe through various NGOs and party structures in order to achieve the overthrow of the unwanted “regime of the Castro brothers.” A few days ago in the Western mass media information emerged about the daughter of Raul Castro’s likely successor, the deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of Cuba, Marino Murillo, fleeing to the U.S.

The mouthpiece of the information war, a Spanish-language newspaper El Nuevo Herald, reported that they were not able to contact Glenda Murillo Diaz, but, according to her boyfriend, she is seeking asylum because she is “dissatisfied with the course of the Castro regime.” The news was quickly replicated in the right context, including in the Russian media. Nobody even thought about the fact that the daughter of a state servant does not need to ask for political asylum as she can live abroad indefinitely and her freedom of movement and other freedoms are in no way limited, including in monetary terms.

Later, there was a single piece of news that the information about the fleeing from Cuba has not been confirmed by neither her relatives in Cuba nor the United States, but no one cared, because the goal was achieved – discredited member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba and the third person in the state.

Even more brazen campaign was launched in the western media upon a car accident resulting in the death of the “chief dissident”, leader of the Christian Liberation Movement (MCL) Osvaldo Paya. The accidental death was turned into a doing of the “evil dictatorship” and “communist military junta” that organized the murder of “the most outstanding figures of the political opposition against the totalitarian regime.” In an editorial the newspaper Granma stated that after July 22, the Western media published over 900 articles on the subject and there were about 120 thousand messages on social networks, where the tragedy was covered with similar vocabulary.

The witnesses who were in the car and survived were not cited. They were Karromero Angel, one of the leaders of the youth squad of Spanish Popular Party (PP), and Jens Modig Aron, president of the League of Young Christian Democrats in Sweden. They testified that the accident occurred as a result of speeding by Karromero who lost control and crashed into a tree…

Read more:Lyuba Lulko, Pravda


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