'God of War' Movie Gains Momentum

After nearly three years, the movie adaptation of God of War is finally gaining some momentum.

Marcus Dustan and Patrick Melton, who penned the scripts behind the latter portion of the Saw series, have been picked to revise the script already written by David Self, according to screenrant.com.

The God of War  movie follows a Grecian warrior named Kratos, who eventually makes a deal with the god of war, Ares. After the deal involves the slaughter of Kratos’ entire family, Kratos begins a quest for revenge fit only for a series of M-rated, Sony-produced video games.

Dustan and Melton have vowed to take a unique perspective when writing the script. The two wish to spend more time developing the character of Kratos, who is really nothing more than a weapon-wielding psychopath in video game form. Like all great films involving revenge, the screenwriters plan on devoting an ample amount of time to building up the character’s humanity before ultimately stripping it all away. Dustan and Melton also plan to make Ares more thoroughly villainous.

While Dustan and Melton may not be fan-boys’ first choice in terms of script treatment, the fact that the project is finally garnering attention and traction should be enough to silence hecklers worldwide. In addition, the two are actually giving Kratos and Ares a serious and well thought out back-story, so that should also be seen as hope, as it can work in the proper context.

The God of War movie has yet to select a director or proper title, but film and video game geeks alike should be more than enthused about where this project is heading.

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