Crazy Things People Say: Joan Rivers: "I'm The Rosa Parks For White People"

E! News Fashion Police host is flaming mad after warehouse store Costco for choosing not to stock her book, I Hate Everyone…Starting With Me. Costco reportedly made the decision after the book’s back cover was  laced with profanity. Joan voiced her disdain for their decision by staging an in-store protest and comparing Costco to Nazi Germany. The Anti Defamation League pounced…and Joan pounced back.

“Number one, my husband lost most of his family in Auschwitz, so don’t talk to me about the Holocaust. Number two, banning books anywhere is a bad portent. Number three, the ADL should worry more about the world’s attitude toward Israel than waste time and energy on me, because I’m not going to stop saying what I think.”

The group’s national director, Abraham Foxman wrote a letter to the Fashion Police host

“While Joan Rivers may be right in criticizing Costco’s decision, there is simply no comparison between a private company’s choice not to sell a book and the policies of the Nazi regime that engaged in the systematic persecution and slaughter of millions of Jews and others during the Holocaust. Such comparisons only serve to trivialize the Holocaust and are deeply offensive to Jews and other survivors, as well as those Americans who fought valiantly against the Nazis in World War II.”

In addition to trivializing the Holocaust Joan went a step further and added Civil Rights Activist Rosa Parks to her nonsense defense.

“I am the Rosa Parks of white people” she shouted into her microphone at the Beverly Hills Costco store.

Joan Rivers at Costco protest: 'I am the Rosa Parks of white people'

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