Creepy Shocker: Woman Has Spider Living in Ear for 5 Days!

Here’s a creepy tale that will make your skin crawl: After a Chinese woman went to the hospital complaining of itching in her ear, doctors discovered the reason—a spider had been living in her ear for the past five days.

But then the doctors at Changsha Central Hospital were faced with a dilemma—how to get it out without lodging the creepy crawly further in her ear. Or worse, making the spider bite her.

They came up with a saline flush, which successfully flushed out the spider. According to published reports, the woman wept in gratitude when the spider was removed.

Of course your next question—after you get rid of that feeling that something is crawling up your arm—is probably, How did the spider get in her ear without her realizing it?

Apparently the spider got in her home because the house was being renovated and the sneaking little bastard crawled in her ear while she was sleep.

Before you think something like that won’t happen in the U.S., you should be aware that the warm weather and drought conditions are resulting in the appearance of more spiders and bugs.

“All insects are cold-blooded, so in extreme heat they develop quicker, which results in more generations popping up now compared to previous summers,” Jim Fredericks, an entomologist and wildlife ecology expert with the National Pest Management Association, told CNN.

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