Mitt Romney’s Porn Star Endorsements

These may fall under the category of endorsements that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney would rather not have, but porn stars Jenna Jameson and Ron Jeremy have gone on record with their deep support for Romney.

Jameson’s endorsement came in an unlikely place: a San Francisco strip club. It was the 8th anniversary of the Gold Club and of course there would be no better place to talk politics. A CBS San Francisco staff member happened to be attending the celebration—of course doing his job, no doubt.

“I’m very looking forward to a Republican being back in office,” Jameson said while sipping champagne in a VIP room at the gentlemen’s club. “When you’re rich, you want a Republican in office.”

But one might be tempted to call Jameson a flip flopper because in 2008 she endorsed Hillary Clinton and said porn star prefer Democrats in the White House because Republicans too often try to make a point by going after the adult industry.

Last week, Romney got the nod from porn legend Ron Jeremy, who praised Romney as “a good man” and “an amazing father.”

“I think the fact that he’s such an amazing father proves a lot. I give him a lot of credit. He’s raised some good sons,” Mr. Jeremy told the Boston Herald. “When a man is a really, really good father, that’s very important.”

And not only these famous performers prefer Romney—he’s also received the unlikely endorsement of Michael Lucas, the largest producer of gay adult films in New York.

“I would support Romney of course,” he recently told Yahoo News. “There is nobody else to support. I don’t see any danger coming from Romney when it comes to porn. It’s just not there. And I think he will be much better than President Obama. Not that it will be difficult to be better than President Obama.”

With the adult film and gay porn industries coming out for Romney, the Obama campaign is undoubtedly going back to their strategy rooms, trying to figure out what’s left for the president.

Maybe the Ultimate Fighting industry is available?



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