Beyonce Accused Of Racism For Congratulating Gymnast

Beyonce is hit with criticism after congratulating Gabby Douglas on her Olympic gold medal. Meanwhile, Kelly Rowland dismisses Destiny’s Child reunion despite what papa Knowles hinted to last month.

On Tuesday afternoon Kelly Rowland was busy promoting her latest endorsement, a special edition TW Steel watch in New York when she asked about a Destiny’s Child reunion, “We have a good time together and I think that’s the most important thing. We don’t want to scratch each other’s eyes out; we love each other too much.”

In the same breathe Kelly sort of left room for a possible reunion…if the ladies felt like it. “If [reuniting is] something that we would want to do, you know, [we would do it] but in the meantime we’re just enjoying each other’s friendship. That’s the greatest gift of Destiny’s Child.”

Indeed. Meanwhile her ‘sister’ Beyonce is receiving some backlash for congratulating Olympic gold medalist Gabby Douglas. The 16-year old gymnast became the first African American to win the most coveted medal in the sport, the individual all-around.

Beyonce’s note read: “A huge congratulations to 16 year old Olympic Gold Medalist Gabby Douglas – WOW – what a thrill to watch you take this Gold!  – enjoy this moment, its yours. Thank you for inspiring all of us! Love, B”

In true fashion, the comments came flying and they weren’t good.

A commenter by the name of “what” wrote, “since there is really no effort involved in blogging why didn’t she congratulate all of the other gold medal winners from the USA? oh yeah they have all been white”

Ginny added, “Wow just say congrats to the black girl always knew mrs jay z was racist”

jenni12 added, “beyonce is frickin racist…she didnt care to congrat anybody else or even the girls as a team..just the one black girl..cant stand that beotch”

It’s important to note that Gabby received congratulations from several other celebrities including Justin Bieber, Oprah, Lady Gaga and several others. Gabby has made it known that’s she’s a fan of Beyonce, after the celebs get wind they usually send out a message. And even if Beyonce was congratulating Gabby because of her achievements as a young black woman – bravo! The bigger concern should be why it has taken so long for an African American to win since the sport’s 1986 1896 debut in the Olympics.

Gabby’s response? “WOW such an AMAZING experience! Thank you all for your support, love and prayers love you all!!! #oncloud9”

What do you make of Beyonce’s critics?

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