Jerry Jones Finally Speaks to Dez Bryant

Jerry Jones, who never encountered a situation that he did not have something to say about it, was so angry with Dallas Cowboys receiver Dez Bryant that he refused to talk to him. Now that’s off-the-charts mad for Jones. Tuesday morning, Jones, the Cowboys owner, said to a Dallas radio station: “The reason I hadn’t talked to him is because I’m so pissed that I’m not ready to talk to him. When I get all my stuff together, I’ll talk to him.”

Finally, almost two weeks after Bryant was arrested for allegedly striking his mother, Jones had a word or three with the talented but perpetually-in-trouble Bryant. Jones called it a  “great visit” but did not elaborate on specifics of what he said.

Bryant hasn’t been available to reporters since training camp started on Monday. He is charged with a Class A misdemeanor for family violence for alleged hitting his mother in the face with his cap during an argument with family members. In today’s NFL of commissioner Roger Goodell, that could mean suspension. And,  the Dallas district attorney’s office could pressing charges although his mother has filed former papers indicating she does not want to pursue a conviction.

.”One of the reasons I didn’t (talk to him) was because I didn’t want to talk to him emotionally,” Jones said. “That was one of the reasons why I haven’t talked to him because I was disappointed. That’s one of the main reasons. As a daddy, sometimes you’re not suppose to spank when you’re mad. I wanted to get the information (about the arrest) but my mind is right so we can have a good talk about this.”

Last week, a Dallas County district attorney’s spokeswoman said the case was filed by DeSoto police against Bryant includes an affidavit of non-prosecution from the complainant. The affidavit means the complainant, Angela Bryant, doesn’t want to proceed.

The district attorney’s office is still reviewing the case and hasn’t determined if it will press charges against Dez Bryant.

“They ask that there not be a rush to judgement concerning their family,” the Bryant’s family lawyer, Texas senator Royce West, said in reading a statement last week. “They also ask for your continued prayers and support for their family as they work through this matter.”

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