Jackson Family Feud Udpate: Janet & Brothers Banned From Paris' Home

UPDATE-Paris Jackson takes a break from Twitter bashing her aunt Janet Jackson but the feud is hardly over. Janet Jackson and her brothers have been banned from Katherine Jackson’s home. Read  that update below.

Although there has been a lot of in-fighting in the famed Jackson family as of late, Katherine Jackson and her grandchildren, Paris, Prince and Blanket, were spotted at the family’s now ironically named Unity Tour. According to TMZ, Katherine brought the kids all the way to Saratoga, NY, for the tour and drew applause from the crowd when their presence was acknowledged. According to a source, the children did not appear to be having fun at the concert.

The performing family members included Marlon, Tito, Jackie and Jermaine. Jermaine is one of the Jackson siblings involved in the battle over the estate and Tito’s son TJ currently has custody of the children. TJ was awarded custody in an emergency hearing after it was suspected that his grandmother was being held in Arizona against her will. According to Katherine’s lawyer, Perry Sanders, she and TJ will share custody of the children. TJ made his filing on Friday. “[The arrangement] will essentially now legally reflect how Mrs. Jackson and T.J. have often shared responsibilities of raising the children since Michael Jackson’s tragic passing,” said Sanders in a statement. “She is eager to simply enjoy her great relationship with these children, while deeding over some of the stressors that go hand in hand with being a guardian.” There has been no word on the status of the filing.

The family has been engulfed in a feud that has resulted in the attempted ousting of the executors of Michael Jackson’s estate and a series of allegations from his two older children via Twitter. An altercation between Paris and her famous aunt Janet was caught on a security camera and made its rounds on the internet last week. Even family friend Gladys Knight gave her opinion of the altercation and drama, saying Paris needs to respect her elders and deserved to have her teeth knocked out.

UPDATE: Michael Jackson’s estate lawyer Howard Weitzman revealed in a letter:

“Given the circumstances of the last two weeks, and in order to protect the children and Mrs. Jackson, the Executors believe that it would not be appropriate to allow the following individuals to enter the residence or its grounds and we instruct the security to preclude the following from entering the residence or the grounds: Randy Jackson and any of his children, Janet Jackson, Rebbie Jackson and any of her children, Jermaine Jackson, his wife and any of his children.”

A source near to the Jackson family has reportedly responded to the ban to x17:

“What kind of lawyer would deny a mother from seeing her own children. Katherine cried the first two days she came home. She told her assistant, ‘They’re taking everything from me.’ They’re denying her from hearing the truth. They’re denying her family access to see her and trying to get her in court as fast as possible.”

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