Anthony Hamilton Has New Son, Just In Time For Father’s Day

Just in time for Father’s Day, singer and songwriter Anthony Hamilton has embraced the birth of his third child, Princeton Harris Hamilton. The newborn was delivered on June 12 by wife Tarsha. Princeton is the new little brother to the couple’s twins, Nolan and Aaron. The identical boys were born in 2010.
Anthony Hamilton, who now has a total of six kids, expressed joy for his newborn son via Twitter, informing friends, fans and family of the good news. “God is awesome! Thank you for your prayers. Our son was born handsome & healthy,” said Hamilton. Hamilton ended the tweet, “Princeton Harris Hamilton. My new blessed son. Born covered in the blood of Christ. Amen.”
Hamilton has already engaged in photo shoots with the infant, only days old. On Saturday, the two Hamilton men prepared for a photo that captured the baby lying on his fathers back. Hamilton took to twitter yet again to disclose the details of an unfortunate mishap, “Yuck!!!!! My newborn and I were doing a photoshoot. The shot was him lying on my back. He Shat and Peed All over my back.” But Hamilton took the incident in stride, sending a message out to all fathers “Fatherhood comes with a price. Pay it.”
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