Detectives Found Accusers’ Info In Jerry Sandusky’s Home

Scene of many alleged crimes.

A state investigator says authorities identified some of Jerry Sandusky’s alleged abuse victims through pictures and lists seized from his home and office.

Anthony Sassano, an investigator with the state attorney general’s office, also testified Thursday that Penn State University was ”not very quick” in getting investigators information as part of the probe.

Earlier Thursday, one of the alleged victims testified that the former Penn State assistant football coach called himself the ”tickle monster” while lathering his back and embracing him in an on-campus shower.

Another accuser who is now a member of the Army National Guard described frequent sleepovers at Sandusky’s home that included the ex-coach rubbing his body and touching his penis.

The defense has claimed that the accusers have financial motives, but they’ve all denied that.

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