Chef Gordon Ramsay’s Hotel Hell reality show has finally received its premiere date. The new series was initially scheduled to premiere on April 6th, then the date was changed to June 4th, and now Fox has pushed the date to the middle of summer.
The show, which features Ramsay, is an upcoming reality series where he attempts to fix troubled hotels. The chef and his team of experts visit various struggling hotel establishments throughout the United States hoping that their expertise will help turn around the companies’ bad fortunes.
Hotel Hell, which is similar to chef Ramsay’s reality show Kitchen Nightmares, will debut with a two-night series premiere Monday, August 13th and Tuesday, August 14th from 8:00-9:00 PM. It will also continue to air in the same Monday 8-9 PM slot beginning August 20th.
The series is created and will be hosted by Ramsay. This reality show will be the chef’s fourth television series for the Fox network.