Google Takes Number 1 on the Top 15 List of MBA Employers

Google, McKinsey & Company, and Apple topped the list of the most popular MBA (master of business administration) employers. The survey was conducted by the research firm Universum USA and asked business school students which organizations they hoped to work for after earning their degree.

According to the exclusive CNN Money list, over 25 percent of MBAs want to work at Google and with the company’s ever expanding employee base this isn’t surprising at all. Last year the employee base grew about 33 percent and is expected to continue growing during upcoming years.

So what makes Google so popular among MBAs? The California-based company offers the opportunity to “do cool things that matter,” lavish company perks, and a chance to solve real world issues. There are currently more than 100 MBA interns working at the famous Googleplex this year and Hannah Mestel, the overseer of MBA and graduate student intern programs at Google, revealed that they will certainly be hiring many more interns and employees over the next few years.

McKinsey & Company refused to share their hiring numbers with CNN, but more than 17 percent of MBAs are hoping to make the trip to New York to work for the prestigious firm. McKinsey has been known to advise some of the world’s most influential businesses and industry leaders.

Brian Rolfes, a Toronto-based partner and director of global recruiting for McKinsey, warned potential MBAs that they “can expect to work on challenging and important issues for an array of leading organizations and institutions in the private, public, and social sectors.” Although there is no “McKinsey type” the firm is always looking out for high achieving MBAs with skills in problem solving and leadership.

Apple is on track to surpass Hewlett-Packard as the tech firm with the largest sales, which made it an obvious candidate for MBAs. The survey revealed that 16.66 percent of MBAs wanted to pursue a career with Apple. The business students would be expected to tackle a variety of issues from the company’s strategic business initiatives, real estate development, and merchandising. The company has been known to be very diverse in its hiring, but does require that all its employees are passionate about Apple products.

Top 15 MBA employers                        % of MBAs who want to work there

  1. Google                                              25.35%
  2. McKinsey & Company                  17.76%
  3. Apple                                                16.66%
  4. Bain & Company                            13.21%
  5. Boston Consulting Group             12.87%
  6.                                   11.94%
  7. Goldman Sachs Group                  10.71%
  8. Facebook                                          9.35%
  9. Nike                                                   8.87%
  10. JPMorgan                                         8.68%
  11. Deloitte                                             8.38%
  12. Walt Disney                                     8.08%
  13. IDEO                                                 7.06%
  14. Blackstone Group                           6.96%
  15. Johnson & Johnson                       6.86%
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