Miami Dolphins Sign On For HBO 'Hard Knocks'

Miami Dolphins Head Coach Joe Philbin has confirmed the news that his team will be part of this year’s HBO hit series Hard Knocks. The Dolphins were chosen by Home Box Office and the National Football League to be the team to have cameras follow them around during training camp.

“Number one, it was a football decision and it was made by the football operations staff,” Philbin said. “Our owner, Steve Ross, supported our decision but in no way, shape or form forced us to make this decision. I’m personally very excited about it and I shared my thoughts about it with our football team this morning. It’s a football show and it’s a show that’s going to showcase our players and the great group of men that we have assembled here in Miami as they go through training camp.”

Philbin added:

“The second thing is I think it’s a great opportunity for us to connect with our fans and to the people that aren’t going to be able to come out here on a daily basis in 110-degree heat index weather and watch our guys participate in training camp. The third thing is I think it’s a chance for us to show the new direction, the identity of this football team, where we’re headed and at the same time also connect with our past and the great history, tradition and heritage that we have here in Miami.”

The five one-hour episodes debut on Tuesday, August 7th, and will show each subsequent Tuesday.

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