Will Smith Slaps Reporter After Failed Kiss Attempt-Video

Will Smith was in for a surprise while walking the red carpet for his latest film “Men In Black 3” when a Ukrainian reporter tried to kiss him on the lips!! It begin innocently enough when the reporter dressed in a white suit asked Will for a hug. It soon turned into a bizarre case of stalker activity when the reporter is seen tilting his mouth towards the actor. The incident was brief but it ended with Will slapping the reporter in the face while walking away.

“Oh, there you go. Oh, hey man,” Will said, pushing the reporter away. “Come on, man. What the hell is your problem, buddy? Hey. Sorry, he tried to kiss me in my mouth. This joker’s lucky I didn’t sucker-punch him,” added Will as he walked away smiling with the more well-behaved reporters.

Other reporters on the red carpet said the incident was light and Will was merely reacting to the surprising encounter.

Watch the video of the reporter attempting to kiss Will Smith obtained by TMZ – where’s Jada?!

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