Dalai Lama Claims China Is Trying to Kill Him

The Dalai Lama claims to have heard word from his aides that the Chinese government has elaborate plans to assassinate him, he said in a recent interview with Britain’s Sunday Telegraph.  In retaliation, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said that the spiritual leader’s claims were ridiculous and unworthy of a rebuttal.  Spokesman of the CFM , Hong Lei added, “The Dalai always wears religious clothes while carrying out anti-China separatist activities in the global community, spreading false information and deceiving the public.”

Outraged at the Dalai Lama’s allegations, China’s nationalistic tabloid the Global Times said that “…if China had wanted to kill the Dalai Lama it could have done so any time without waiting until he was 76 years old,” according to the Huffington Post. Despite China’s denial of the assassination allegations, the Dalai reported elaborate accusations, saying that he received information from sources that China had trained Tibetan women with poison in their hair and scarves to kill the Dalai Lama by asking for his blessing and touching his hand. “They were supposed to seek blessing from me, and my hand they touch,” the Dalai Lama reported.

Ethnic theory and policy professor at Minzu University of China, Xiong Kunxin, told the Global Times that Dalai created these rumors with the sole intention of demonizing China and creating attention for himself.  Kunxin continued to say that the Dalai Lama and his aides may attempt to create more chaos before the 18th National Congress of CPC, which will be held in the latter half of the year. Meanwhile, the Dalai Lama told the British newspaper that he may end up being the last Dalai Lama because of Chinese interference in finding his reincarnation after he dies.

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