Denise Vasi Debuts as ‘Single Ladies’ Newest Cast Member

The newest season of “Single Ladies” is underway and Denise Vasi is stepping on the scene with a brand new character.

“I play Raquel Lancaster, a smart, savvy businesswoman. Raquel, when you first meet her, she’s going to go through something that propels her into this life-changing journey. She goes through something that drops in her life like a bomb, and she spends the rest of the season figuring out what she wants,” Denise told Sister 2 Sister.

While all the details weren’t disclosed, Vasi shared that her character will have quite a bit of support in her rough moments throughout the show.

She added that Raquel, who is a longtime friend of Keisha’s, will find love, but didn’t say with whom.

To read the entire story, go to EURWeb

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