Willow Smith Regrets Journey To Fame

Willow Smith sits with her famous mother Jada Pinkett Smith and her grandmother Adrienne Banfield-Jones as they engage in an intense round table discussion about parenting, relationships and their life. Pinkett dubs the conversation ‘Red Table Talk’ and it’s set to launch on Mother’s Day May 13th. During their discussion, Jada asked her daughter if she would change anything about her life.

“If I had to change one thing about my life, it would probably be, I wouldn’t be famous,” replied Willow. “Because when you’re famous it’s so hard. Let’s say if a regular girl is going to the book store, it’s ten times harder to go everywhere [when you’re famous]. But some people are like, ‘Oh, it’s so easy,’ and I’m like, ‘As fast as you can get there, it’s going to take me ten more minutes to get there.’ Because I have to call security.”

While Willow is receiving backlash for appearing to complain about stardom others may miss the benefits of the Smith family opening their lives for others.

We’re looking forward to seeing more ‘Red Table Talk’ with Jada Pinkett and her family. Watch a clip below:

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