Michigan Man Sues Movie Theater Over Excessive Prices On Snacks

One movie theater patron has had enough of the high prices the theaters put on their snack foods.

Joshua Thompson, a man from Livonia, Michigan, is suing his local AMC theater “in hopes of forcing theaters statewide to dial down snack prices.”

The man has filed a class action lawsuit against the AMC theater because the movie domain denied him from bringing his own soda and candy into the facility. Upset about the situation, the moviegoer claims that their decision violated the Michigan’s Consumer Protection Act.

According to sources, Thompson made his decision to sue after he purchased a box of Goobers and a small coke for a whopping total of $8. The lawsuit seeks refunds for allegedly price gouging customers and also a civil penalty against the company.

Movie theaters’ snack prices are reportedly so high that they accumulate about a quarter of their entire revenue from concession sales.

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