Bobby Brown Tell All About Whitney Was Published But Never Released

UPDATE-Bobby Brown is reportedly shopping a tell all. If his relationship with daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown and Whitney Houston’s family was strained enough – it’s about to get worst.

In 2008 Brown reportedly shopped around a tell-all about his life with ex-wife Whitney Houston but there were no biters. Since the tragic passing of the 48-year old superstar on February 11th, things have changed.

“Back in 2008, the interest in a book on Whitney Houston wasn’t that great,” a major publisher told the Huffington Post. “Whitney had fallen off the radar back then … but now, following her tragic death, the market has changed. Now is the time for a book that details an honest look into the life of Whitney.”

On the one hand Bobby Brown, who’s single handily been given the role of the villain in the downfall of the greatest voice of this generation, may try to clear his name. However it’s hard to imagine that this is more about putting his life back together and less about hoping to make a quick buck. Reportedly Bobby signed a confidentiality agreement after his divorce – which makes the 2008 release more puzzling.

Real Housewives of Atlanta star Phaedra Parks who once represented Brown may be the lone one standing in his corner if this book is released when she stated after the funeral, “Bobby loves all his children. He would do anything to protect all his children.”

On the flip side friends of the Houston family had this to say,

“This is a man who left his ex-wife’s funeral because he didn’t like his seats and went to a paying gig that night. He didn’t get on stage that night because he needed to sing his greatest hits or because Whitney would have wanted him to entertain his fans, he did it to get a paycheck — the same reason he now wants to write a tell-all book.”

Not many people truly know what went on behind close doors of Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston’s 14 year marriage but it doesn’t take a genius to know this book would do more harm than good…especially to Bobbi Kristina. Brown’s only daughter with Whitney is already dealing with the media focusing too heavily on Whitney’s heartbreaking downfall and less on her tremendous talent – it will be tragic to have her father do the same.

Update: Bobby Brown according to LALate did succeed in publishing ‘Bobby Brown: The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But’ in 2008 but it was never released.

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