Whitney Houston Attacked Posthumously By Radio Jocks, John & Ken

Whitney Houston who was found dead in the bathtub of her suite at the Beverly Hilton on Saturday, hours before she was to attend a pre-Grammy gala at the Beverly Hills, California hotel has continued to make news posthumously. Most of the news about Houston and her amazing musical career has been very positive. However, some of the news have been very negative as in the case of John & Ken’s racially coded insensitive verbal attacks.

                                                           Whitney Houston: Her Life in Pictures

Speculation has grown over the cause of Whitney’s death, which has not been determined pending the outcome of toxicology tests that could take a few more weeks. Despite this fact, a derogatory comment about Whitney Houston and crack use led KFI radio to suspend its popular talk show hosts John & Ken.

During a recent show, the pair said Houston had been “cracked out for 20 years,” according to audio on Urban Informer. After characterizing Houston as a “crack ho” multiple times, the pair said, “And then you find out she’s dead — it’s like, ‘Really? [It] took this long?'”

After the outrageous comments were broadcasted, KFI AM 640 radio personalities John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou — of the Los Angeles station’s “The John and Ken Show” were suspended for a week and a half. That’s it, just a week and a half suspension for such a cruel and bitter comment.

Whitney Houston: The Dichotomy Of Distinction And Destruction

The suspension, which is effective “immediately,” ends on Feb. 27, when “The John and Ken Show” returns to the air.

In a related news story, Whitney Houston’s invite-only funeral on Saturday in Newark, New Jersey will be televised and streamed online so fans may commemorate the late iconic singer.

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