HBO is defending its racetrack drama, Luck, after two animals die on the show. During an unlucky incidents on the set of Luck in 2010 and 2011, two horses were reportedly injured and then euthanized while filming the show. The incident drew criticism from several animal rights groups like PETA.
In response to the controversy, an HBO Rep told E! News in a statement:
From the very outset of this project, the safety of the animals was of paramount concern to us. Recent assertions of lax attitudes or negligence could not be further from the truth. We partnered early on with American Humane Association, who is the only mandated authority in the industry, and we work very closely with the AHA and racing industry experts to implement safety protocols that go above and beyond typical film and TV industry standards and practices.
For example, pre-race exams are performed by a California Horse Racing Board certified veterinarian, and radiographs are taken of the legs of all horses being considered for use in any simulated racing sequences,” the network rep went on. “Everyone associated with Luck cares deeply about the well-being of the horses who are so much a part of the heart and soul of the production.
Luck, which stars Dustin Hoffman, was recently picked up for a second season and is set to start production at the end of February.
Do you think that HBO needs to do more to ensure the safety of the horses while filming the second season of Luck.