Janet Hubert Called Crazy By Former Co-Star For Bashing Will Smith

Janet Hubert or Aunt Viv as she was known on popular ’90’s sitcom the “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” isn’t getting much love from her co-stars. Janet created a bit of a stir yesterday when she revealed her reasons for blasting Will Smith, her former co-star for his alleged role in her firing. Last week the entire cast sans Janet who met for a reunion dinner and Hubert expressed why she intentionally missed the dinner:

“There will never be a reunion … as I will never do anything with an a**hole like Will Smith.”

She adds, “He is still an egomaniac and has not grown up. This constant reunion thing will never ever happen in my lifetime unless there is an apology, which he doesn’t know the word.”

It appears that Janet is the only cast member that holds that view of Will Smith as other cast members of spoken highly of the mega movie star. But while they remained quiet about Aunt Viv’s firing, Carlton played by Alfonso Ribeiro had a few choice words for Janet back in 2009! In short Alfonso called Janet “crazy” and confirmed she has her own self to blame for getting fired.

“I had an amazing time working with Will, with Tatyana [Ali], and James [Avery] and Karyn [Parsons]. Everybody was great. First mom. Not so much. Basically, at the end of the day, it was **** CRAZY! She went nuts. There were days when we were on the set and she would literally go off on people and it got to a point when the second season came around that we were like ‘this is unacceptable’.

Yikes! Watch the full video clip below – fast forward to 2:15 mark. Is it time for Janet to let go of her ill will for Will Smith?



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