Did Taylor Lautner Come Out The Closet? Fake People Magazine Cover

Yesterday, Taylor Lautner announced that he was “out and proud” in a People magazine issue… or did he?

There was a photoshopped image placed on the January 7, 2012 People cover with the actor announcing that he’s gay and “tired of the rumors.”

The cover also displayed a fake quote of Lautner saying he felt, “more liberated, and happier than I’ve ever been” after making his decision to come out.

After the fake cover hit the net, celebrities like Russell Simmons fell for the trick. The former Def Jam mogul tweeted that he was “proud of Taylor Lautner for his bravery and his courage.”

Later, Simmons tweeted that he was, “disappointed that people would joke about someone coming out about their sexuality. Let Taylor Lautner be whoever he wants to be…”, after realizing it was a hoax.

A representative for People magazine confirmed that the cover was a cruel joke saying it’s an “absolutely fake.”

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