Warner Bros. Drops Early Preview Of 'The Dark Knight Rises'

The Dark Knight Rises Prologue To Be Aired Prior To Mission Impossible:The Ghost Protocol

Christopher Nolan showed a special select group of media outlets the 8 minute prologue to ‘The Dark Knight Rise’s’ at the Universal City’s AMC IMAX theater yesterday. The consensus is, that it was 8 minutes of pure ecstasy.

The crowd was definitely impressed with the opening sequence; Nolan showed off some stunning camera work that made the images seem bigger than life. It’s hard not to ruin for fans, but we will say this: the footage revolved around a heist, involving a plane….

This same preview will be seen later this month in select IMAX theaters just before the ‘Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol’ film.

However, there was one problem people could not help but to concern themselves with: Tom Hardy’s Bane was a little hard to understand. The masked villain’s sound was muffled and the British accent didn’t make it any better. But have no fear, loyal fans, this was a very rough edit that is expected to go through further sound mixing.

WHOGOTTHEROLE would like to point out, that despite Tom Hardy’s vocal issues the attendees erupted in cheer when the video ended. Many people stayed in their seats long after the event ended in sheer amazement.

The movie marks Nolan’s final film in his ‘Batman’ trilogy, which stars Christian Bale who went on record saying he is hanging up the batman tights after this also.

‘The Dark Knight Rises’ opens world-wide July 20th.


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