The Fox hit television series “24” is coming back to TV, but it won’t be quit the same. That’s because someone else will be taking Kiefer Sutherland’s place as Jack Bauer. Indian actor Anil Kapoor will be the new badass, kicking terrorism’s butt for hours and hours in what’s currently being called “24: India”.
According to Hollywood Reporter, Kapoor has inked a rights deal with 20th Century Fox TV to produce a new version of “24” in India. The Bollywood actor is best known to the American audience for his role as the game show host in “Slumdog Millionaire”. Additionally, “24” fans should be very familiar with Kapoor because he played the ill-fated Kamistan President Omar Hassan in the final season of the Fox series.
“It will be a great honor for me to play Jack Bauer,” Kapoor said of the announcement. “Kiefer has created an iconic character which has inspired me to bring the franchise to India. This will be my first foray to Indian television and I look forward to duplicating the standard of excellence Fox has so successfully created.”
There is no word on whether Anil Kapoor plans to use the ‘Jack Bauer’ moniker or substitute in an Indian version. It’s also unclear if “24” fans outside of India will get a chance to view the new variation. If not, they still have the “24” movie to hope for.
Let us know what you think about this new version of “24”.