Trailer: 'The Devil Inside' Horror Film

The Devil Inside Horror Film“The Devil Inside” is a horror film about demonic possession being released by Paramount Picture’s Insurge label early next year. The horror film follows the story of a young woman, Isabella, who travels to visit her mother who has been held in an institution after killing three people during an exorcism. To understand more about her mother’s horror and condition, Isabella becomes involved in unauthorized exorcisms. Directed by William Brent Bell this scary movie stars Fernanda Andrade, Simon Quarterman, Evan Helmuth, and Suzan Crowley.

The release date of this horror flick has been scheduled for January 6, 2012. It will be released nationwide on the exact date as Lionsgate’s horror film, “The Possession”. The Horror movie, “The Devil Inside”, has all the elements of a true horror show and is co-penned by the movie’s director, William Brent Bell, along with Matthew Peterman. The film is Insurge’s latest entry into the horror genre and is filmed documentary style.

Check out the trailer below. Tell us what you think. Are you scared?

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